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Re: What happens when you drop a belt on a 16v?

> RPM has nothing to do with the damage factor. 
This statement is mostly correct.  Where do the teeth nearly always shear
off of the belt?  At the crankshaft, right?  So it's where the cams are
when the teeth shear that determines if the valves bounce off the piston.
 There are four cam positions where the greatest torques are applied to
the cam by the valve springs,... opening the exhaust valves.  That's
where the cams tend to stop.  If the belt shears very far from one of
these points it is more likely to bend valves.  If it shears right at one
of them you get lucky.  The mostly part is that there is a slight inertia
thing going on with the cam pulleys, but that's it.
-kevn in Texas
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