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Re: springs for Racing
Where can i get the nuespeed Racing springs? Are they coilovers? How much
do they cost? I got Boge shocks last month and now the car corners a lot
flatter (it had crappy KYBs or somehting).
Does anyone have Racing peadles in their car? How about clear tail lites?
i want to make my car Euro, but parts are hard to find around me.
>From: Kerib <kerib@ptd.net>
>To: "John Campbell" <johnca100@hotmail.com>
>Subject: Re: springs for Racing
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>I like the Neuspeed race springs myself. The expert though is Ken Buck. Ken
>are you there?
>Tom Byrne
>(Stuck Auto Xing a Charger 2.2)
>ATZFrom: "John Campbell" <johnca100@hotmail.com>
>ATZTo: scirocco-l@scirocco.org
>ATZSubject: springs for Racing
>ATZDate: Fri, 24 Sep 1999 16:51:00 MDT
>ATZi have a 84 'rocco and i want to upgrade the suspention for Racing.
>ATZkind of springs are best? Nuespeed?
>ATZEiback prokit? spax? i want a hard ride that corners like its on
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