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Re: People from the UK: Question for you.
> > Now that I got the 16V (which has different gauges)
> > I would love to get
> > some white-faces for it, too. Problem is, the phone
> > that I had used for
> > Deutchcar is not working anymore. Does anybody know
> > if they have closed
> > shop? If not, could you please track down their
> > phonenumber for me? Also:
> > "Awesome GTI" --which was in Manchester, I believe--
> > was making the same
> > product. Are they still in business, and how can I
> > go about finding their
> > phone-number?
>Not so fast there!!! Maybe you should consider talking
>to fellow lister Brett Van Sprewenburg before you go
>off and do that. Instead of paying outrageous prices
>on white faced gauges, you can pick them up off Brett
>for extremly reasonable price. And they match the old
>gauges exactly. Custom backgrounds, colors all sorts
>of stuff. I don't remember his website, you should
>email him and ask about them.
>Work it! :)
>"The world is Burnt" - Nigel Heron
>Paul Maione (The Burnt Kid)
Thanks Paul, appreciate the good words! If anyone is
interested, the url for my custom gauge faces is at:
I'd be happy to answer any questions anyone has.
\/ '84 Scirocco (ITB racer 2B) | "Hot VW's, take two home. They're small"
\/\/ '88 Scirocco 16v (Show), '85 Scirocco (Winter) | - brett@netacc.net
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