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Re: starter going wacko

--- Owen <mr.peepers@home.com> wrote:
> Hey guys, i have been having a problem with my starter
> for a little while
> now.  Sometimes it'll start up just fine, and other times
> it will crank over
> r-e-a-l-l-y s...l...o....w...l....y
>         At first i thought i had a bad battery, but it
> seems to continue
> cranking even when its turning over slowly.  sometimes,
> it'll turn over
> normally, but before it catches and starts, it'll go into
> super slow mode.
> Is this a bad solenoid, and if so is it replaceable, or
> could it be
> something else?

Doesn't sound like the solenoid, but the starter itself. 
Might try cleaning all the contacts first, but it's
probably just the starter.  (Easy to change - how do I
know?  My '85 is on it's 3rd since February...)

Daun Yeagley
'79 Scirocco
'81 Rabbit Pickup 
'85 Scirocco 8v
'88 Scirocco 16v
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