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Re: Coolest VW body(was:yipppaaaawwwffuuuuuuc........)

how long before somoene 16v's one !!  I'd like to hear that.  

--- Chris Chemidlin <spredhaus@hotmail.com> wrote:
> Ya want something that'll knock folks on their ass?
> Remember when the mail trucks stopped being Jeeps
> and started being those 
> little lo-rider vans? Well, Grumman(sp?) put a bid
> in to the US Post office 
> and came up with a cool ALUMINUM little van. It
> looks a lot like the ones 
> they currently use, with double doors on the back
> and sliding doors on the 
> sides. Anyway, the suspension and motor are none
> other than DIESEL RABBIT 
> Yes folks, that means all your favorite engine swaps
> and suspension mods 
> will work on this cool mini-truck.
> I'm sure there'll be someone to say 'but it's not
> aerodynamic'- well who 
> cares? Its cool.
> There are 2 in my area- one was a friend of mine who
> sold it to a local guy 
> who sells custom euro license plates at the east
> coast shows. Its tan, if 
> you get a chance, check it out.
> The other one is much cooler. It has a GTI motor,
> suspension and wheels- and 
> the coolest part- it says MILK on the side and has a
> picture of a bottle of 
> milk and a loaf of bread. ROCK. It was used as a
> milk truck! Toocool...
> Just as the Foxwagen (2 door) is the grown up
> Squareback, the Grummen is the 
> modern Fridolin (vw aircooled mailtruck with the ass
> of a type 2 and the 
> nose of a type 3- more or less)
> Find one of these. Make it real fast. Race it.
> People will smile.
> >From: jonas miller <sjmill@erols.com>
> >
> >my obligation is to teh motor, i can throw it in
> anything i find , since
> >i have te motronic unit, and a complete motor on
> the way, I could scrap
> >the  mkII and go withsomething
> else...aaaaarrrrrrrgggggghhhhhh  what to
> >do what to do?
> >
> >jonas
> http://www.spredhaus.com -- Finally Updated!
> http://www.angelfire.com/nj/spredhaus
> 58 Type1 Ragtop
> 84 Jetta uGLi
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