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Re: hard start! (alt. or starter)

On Sat, 13 Nov 1999 19:50:38 -0800 Sal Guzzo <yu129742@yorku.ca> writes:
>Problem:  car won't start!
>Okay here's the deal.  Had the battery checked and it checked out fine?
>The car will start once boosted.  I will drive around (timed elapsed
>doesn't make a difference).  once I stop and shut down the car, it won't
>start.  wtf!  I had the timing and fuel mixture set last week and now
>contemplating that it's either the starter or the alt.  Which shall I
>next.  My dad recharged the battery and it started the car no problem. 
>drove the car for about a half hour and then once he got home (after
>shutting her down), it wouldn't start.  The volt meter in the car is
>reading about 13V when running.
>Could it be the alt draining the bat. or maybe the solenoid on the
>is doing the draining.  any insights will be greatly appreciated.

The alternator can NEVER drain the battery. It can, however, not fully
charge the battery which is what I think your trying to say.
So, you say you got a simple charging problem? Heres what you check:
Battery cables and terminal's. Old cables don't do such a good job for
conducting electricity. They're cheap and you can get a larger size cable
which helps the process. 
Make sure the ground wires are solidly connected to the chassis.
It sounds like you might also have a bad cable going to the starter. (Not
just the big cable, check out the little wire too.) 
I dunno about where you live but locally you can take an alternator or a
starter to the local Chief Auto Parts stores and they will test them for
you for free. Worse case is you replace the starter. 

              Shawn Meze
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