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Re: Mike-Euro headlights

In a message dated 11.1.1999 10:24:07 AM, matkisson@yahoo.com writes:

   I guess you don't remember my name.....A year or so
ago I bought a 16V body kit from you.  I sent you a
money order which you cashed righ aaway.......but it
took numerous E-mails and phone calls and finally a
threat to get a lawyer involved before you would even
respond to me or send my product.  I really don't
think that I can do any business with you again.

--- IraT@aol.com wrote:
> In a message dated 10.31.1999 10:44:15 PM,
> matkisson@yahoo.com writes:
> <<I will also be selling a set of Euro Headlights
> for $200.
> Mike>>
> Mike,
> I would like to purchase the Scirocco II euro head
> lights.  Do you require a 
> deposit?  Thank you.
> IraT>>

What are you talking about?

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