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i thik this might be the ip address of the guy who origanlly sent this
and if it is the only close match is someone in the iglou.com domain
andis located in the cinci area  and lets it is not daun cause he is
cool  so who could it be...is it you withthe name ion top cause ui got
your number formthe computer.......who is the dumbass now ...could it be
someone withthe email address scirocco  and iglou.com in the same title 
or do i need to dig even further and get your name, i hope i get proved
wrong..but htis is pretty accurate....dont start sending mail to me
unles you back it up and if you think i kidin thikn again

Rocco update
ordered the cuystom forged 83.5mm coated pistons for the 2.1
conversion   in onemonth i will be needin gto replace my trans afteri
destroy it with all this power..hahahaha


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