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Re: Sacramento summers suck......
Alex Ting wrote:
> ......yes, it's only 87 degrees today, but we will probably reach
> 110 sometime this summer :-(
> So, two cooling things:
> first, my water temp has been doing strange things as of late.
> It will jump to three quarters in the first five minutes of driving,
> and then suddenly drop back to 1/3 and stay there. I'm sure this
> isn't harmful, but does anyone else experience this?
It sounds like a sticky thermostat. Swap that puppy for a new (real OEM
now) one.
> second, I am about to add an external oil cooler and dump that
> POS factory water to oil cooler. Does anyone have any recommendations?
> And, does anyone who has installed them, have anything special that
> I should look out for? I'm guessing that mounting in front of the radiator
> would be best? My oil temps consistently hit 120 on the freeway, by the
> way.
Maybe investigate ND's oil cooler. It cost some because they are hoping
to make some profit on it, eh? But it seems to be a well thought out
plan w/ a oil temp thermo built in and such.
> And that's cruising at ~75mph.
> TIA!
> Alex Ting
Gotta run. I'm blockin the sis-inlaw.
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