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Driving again

Well...for those of you who care, I got the 85 running again.  Now some
might know that I had a bit of a fire with  her that required me to
completely re-build the interior wiring harness.  During wich time I did
not drive her and pretty much parted it out for dead. 

Then after Cinci I decided to keep it and began putting it back
together.  Well for the first time in about 7 months I drove my baby
again!!!  This is big for me BTW.  I have been driving this 82 around
for so long, I forgot what a slipping clutch does at 7000 RPM :-)  I
drove her hard and now she is resting in the driveway.  Ohh to rev to
8000 again.  I still have to put the interior in, but all the details
will come tomorrow.  Right now I am just basking in my glow of getting
that pig to run again.  Long live the 85 Scirocco.

Now where was that number of the guy at Eaton(superchargers that is) 
hehehe  Guess what I am planning :-)

Thanx for listening for those who did, and see ya round.

82 Scirocco 8v
85 Scirocco 8v(running finally!!!)

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