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Well this may make some VW owners cry. As some of you might
know not only am I a VW Tech but I am also an officer with the Fire Dept and
Rescue Squad. Well the other night around 11 pm I was dispatched for a MVA
(motor vehical accident) with a confirmed rescue. I booked to the station (in
the 16valve of course blue strobs and all) and jumped into my gear. We headed
out to the scene in the crash truck. Upon arival we found a 99 Silver Jetta
T-Boned on the drivers side at an intersection. The crew and I jumped into
action stabilizing the vehical and preparing for extrication while the EMT's
stabilized the victims. Then we ripped the car to pieces with the Hurst Jaws of
Life completely removing three doors and a center post. It was enough to make
you cry when noticed the car had only 319 miles on
BTW both victims are
PS we run between 200 and
300 runs a month
Steven Toughill
ASE Cert. VW Technician and Chief Engineer BCFD ststion
Volks-Tech Inc.