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Cincy------------ A Success.
Just thought that l would let everyone know what a delicious time l had at
Daun's house this weekend. And naturally there were a few unannounced races
that took place(naturally). Brett(cough) hope you made it home all right(BS).
J/K seriously Brett's car is one finely tuned machine, so hats off to his
"TRUE" 2.0L conversion.
l had a wonderful time and really wished everyone of my weekends were as
meaningful as this was. What more could we have asked for. Great people,
Great cars, Great conversation, Great weather, Great house, and Great get
Had a lovely time, lf you weren't there we missed ya. lf ya were there we
love ya, well sometimes.
Till next time kiddies........................... Play nice...........
Marco (Matt Markowicz) Dusty 88' 16V (thanx Daun)
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