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RE: 2.0L 16V with cis-e?

---Brian Honnold <bhonnold@pac-cap.com> wrote:
> I have heard recently that there is little gain to be had in relation to the
> cost involved for porting the 1.8 16V head.

Since I just had this done, I may be qualified to comment. :)

It was very easy to see what material was removed after porting, so if
the question is: "did the porting of my 1.8 head result in a head that 
has less metal in the way, and is the valve shroud more clear?"  I'd have
to answer yes.  I do believe I even have pictures. 

As far as how much it costs...let's just say that all advertised pricing for
this job is more then 50% overpriced.  I had mine cleaned, torn down, 
inspected  (2 bent valves found, all lifters and guides checked for wear),
seals replaced, valves ground, seats ground, ported, decked, and reassembled
(timed correctly, nicely pre-lubed, etc...) with my supplied new parts (260
cams, seals, chain) for under $500.  Shipping brought it just over.
Actually, he didn't like the _look_ of my new stem seals, so he replaced 
them with ones closer to stock at no additional cost.  In fact, he
just called me today to make sure everything went back together ok and to
see if I got the car running, then I shot the shit with him for 10 minutes
on dialing the car in.  The shop was Interprep Performance in Jamestown
NY, Alistair Oag is the owners name.  I would highly recommend them again.

> As I happen to have one that I could both spend the money on and take the
> time to ship it somewhere, I would love to hear opinions on this.

That's mine so far. :)  If you're going to have it rebuilt, or inspected,
or torn down anyway, it shouldn't cost that much more to port it as my
experience shows.  Do what'll make you happiest anyway.  I'd be happy
to answer any other questions.

> Brian Honnold

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