California Cars:Porsches & Specialty Cars
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A D C O N T E N T |
Ad Type |
Year |
1986 |
Price |
$4,300.00 |
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Ad Text |
86 VW Zender Scirocco Limited Z400 widebody,Zender spoiler,White,5-speed,AC,PB,PM, snrf,complete Hella euro lighting,3-piece wheels,Neuspeed everything,racing susp,lots of extras,handels like a Porsche |
Extra Text |
5-way adj. shocks,springs,ABD sway bars,polyeurothane everything,neuspeed intake,K&N,wires,euro cam,cold air induction,weighted/short shift,smoked Hella taillights,blue city lights,Complete VDO instrument and guage cluster ,Momo,pedals,leather wheel,bucket seats,New brakes,front end,alternator,radiator,motormounts,axels,cluch,shift linckage, all new wheel bearings,steering rack, and registration paid till April 2000. One exotic car that must see now. |
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![[PHOTO]](/img/spot/IEHHHGHICIE.jpg) |
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C O N T A C T I N F O R M A T I O N |
Name |
Jason |
Phone |
(805) 531-2558 (Click this number to see what city you will be calling) |
eMail |
Down104@aol.com |
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