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Fwd: turbocharger for 16V

This is a forward, don't respond to me cause I know nothing about it!

>I figured that I would let you know, that I have a turbocharger  setup for
>sell that is for a 16V.  The turbochager is a Garrett T25 unit (new) and the
>manifold and downpipe adaptor is a Turbotechnics (new as well)  My asking
>price is $1650 firm, trades are considered as long as it is for VR6 parts.  I
>am looking to do a cam and t-body upgrade to my Corrado as well as an
>If you know someone that is interested, please forward.  I am also building a
>ported and polished 16V head that will be for sale as well.
>Rodney Huss

1987 Scirocco 16v
60,000 original miles.

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