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Re: EIP was: the time has come again....
BFE = Bum F*ck Egypt, as in the Boonies, middle of nowhere, etc. Come to
think of it, I heard this long before the FWIWs, BTWs, and TIAs came along. (not
an important point... just rambling)
T Berk wrote:
> Mike wrote:
> >
> > Like I said I have heard nothing bad from the people I have actually seen
> > with things done to there car by EIP...I have seen alot of people who would
> > never have anything done to there car like you who live in BFE compaired to
> > EIP pissing and moaning about how bad something is that they have never even
> > seen....Now come on does this really make sense?....Like I said I have seen
> > at least 5 kits installed by Eip I have talked to the owners...I have heard
> > only that they took a little longer than they would have liked....(damn my
> > rabbits been in the shop for a month now). I agree with you 100% that you
> > should not have to demand that you car be done right/quickly <---more what I
> > was getting at) BUT HEY if you don't WHo willl?
> I realized this would be the equivalent of sticking my neck out when I
> posted the 1st reply. I have not had any work done there at EIP. I do
> not personally know anyone who has, in terms of someone not on the
> water-cooled newsgroup or this list, etc. If I was to research this,
> which frankly is getting beyond my amount of caring to do, I would
> produce peoples' emails that mentioned their experience with EIP, not
> just "I know someone who knows someone...". I'd not really care to
> mention the fact at all except I was asked to comment on EIP and I did,
> based on the best evidence I have.
> How many and where did you collect the people's names to take to them?
> Isn't there a list member or two who will have 1st hand knowledge? The
> things I've read include cars that did not get finished, even after
> paying more money. Promises unfulfilled, etc. BTW, what's BFE?
> > I would understand the complaint if you even saw something from EIP (besides
> > in mags). Just for fun I took all the bitches and names of the real people
> > bitching to EIP one friday i had off just to see if they knew anyone who was
> > bitchin about them. They knew only one person....a guy who has a little shop
> > three miles down the street...GOOOOO FIGURE why would he want them to look
> > bad? I have seen soo many good places get bitched about when people have
> > never bought anything from them or even talked to them.....
> This is usually how things work, bad as it is. Bad news travels much
> further and faster among the neighbors. In this case it's "be
> caaaarefuuuul...".
> > When I see
> > someone bitchen hell thats where I head first...I will know when I get there
> > if they are actually so bad....Ohh well I say I am glad to B in the Us hehe.
> > Dont listen to what people on the net say before you go and see for
> > yourself.....Then you have a complaint..
> I haven't seen or don't remember too much from EIP in car mags, and
> don't hold much stock to what gets into the regular press. I'm glad to
> be in the US as well. I'm also glad it's not the 50s or the
> reconstruction era or somewhere back in the past too. None the less, a
> fellow list member was asking for advice, I gave mine. I hope people can
> tell the difference between "I have heard that..." vs "This is what
> happened to me..." Ask me about New Dimensions, a place I have no
> connection with except as a consumer. Ask me about Griffith Moterwerks.
> DOn't just ask ME, ask everybody. Get the consensus. Make your own
> decisions.
> If EIP is all that, then lets hear more from people who have done well
> by going to them. IF things have improved from the dark days of the
> hoary past then lets get the word out.
> My bottom line; If a list member and fellow Sciroccian, even in another
> part of the world, could be aided by my or someone else's' experience
> then that's were my loyalties lie. Better off that EIP work on the
> perception the public has than one more VW'er gets ground up, even hit
> or miss.
> Nothing personal,
> TBerk
> (didn't really care to take a stand, and I have nothing against EIP, but
> wtf.)
> > ----- Original Message -----
> > From: T Berk <tberk@mindspring.com>
> > To: Mike <lerb@redrose.net>
> > Cc: Joshua Strait <joshua13s@hotmail.com>; <scirocco-l@scirocco.org>
> > Sent: Friday, March 19, 1999 12:03 AM
> > Subject: Re: the time has come again....
> >
> > >Out here on the West Coast we have tuning shops as well, local to me is
> > >New Dimensions. Apples & Pears but still similar fruit.
> > >
> > >All I can say about it is if enough people had the kind of problems w/
> > >ND that I hear about EIP, it would be a smoking crater by now.
> > >
> > >Why should I _have_ to demand my car be done right? I'm _paying_ for the
> > >privilege. What's this sound like, the ones who had a bad time were too
> > >wimpy or something. Huh?
> > >
> > >TBerk
> > >Things may have changed for the better, more power to um'.
> > >
> > >
> > >Mike wrote:
> > >>
> > >> I have heard alot of negatives on this list. But I can say first hand
> > that I
> > >> have also seen some nice and clean installs they did.
> Prev portions snipped in the interest of brevity. hah.
> --
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