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>From: Aaron <catacomb@psu.edu>
>I have a question that's going to sound really stupid.
>It's purely cosmetic, but is it reasonable to make a removable hatch?
>have a rear wing mounted on the hatch right now, but I'de like the
>of having the car look more 'stock' with the original rubber factory
>It doesn't seem like a very difficult task at all (mount some sort of
>on the body of the car, and hooks on the hatches.. both at original
>locations), but I'm sure I'm missing something. The drawback is that I
>don't think there would be any way to keep using the lifters if I make
>two hatches 'swappable'.
>Any thoughts.. aside from it being a stupid idea ;)
> 84 8V
Ill help you brainstorm on your stupid ideas...
Didja ever see a bug decklid? There's a hinge with a pin thru it. If
you cut/drive the pin out and install a slightly thinner cotter pin, you
can have a removeable decklid that works fine.
You could do that, and for the pistons...
there's a little clip holding them on right? (its been a long time since
Ive seen the back of a rocco) Take the clip off and drill a little hole
thru the pin. Put a little cotter pin thru it to secure it.
When you want to take it off, pull the 4 cotter pins, and viola- no
The next problem would be convincing your friends to help you get that
900lb-solid-lead-weight-hatch off the back of the car....
58 Type1 Ragtop
84 Jetta uGLi
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