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Re: post rabbitation

On Tue, 29 Jun 1999 04:01:23 -0700 (PDT) Michael Leach
<scirocco16v_1@yahoo.com> wrote:

>and on a final
>note In the past week I have managed to buy another 16v rocco and a 91
>explorer from list members...I think I am losing it!!

>91 Ford Explorer XLT(thanks Jim Jarrett)

I think it's only fair.

Jim--Rochester, NY
'81 Rabbit Convertible (with no motor or interior)
'86.5 16V (thanks Mike Leach....for the $1000 tranny job! lol )
'91 Ford Explorer....oops, not any more! whoo-hoo
'93 Passat GLX wagon (just because I don't want to get a ticket doesn't mean
                      I couldn't hang in there with the best of them!!!)

| Jim Jarrett,CCP                                                   |
| Eastman Kodak Co. - Professional Digital Cameras                  |
| 901 Elmgrove Road MC 35504                                        |
| Rochester, NY 14653-5504         Phone:(716) 726-6365             |
| jarrett@kodak.com           All opinions expressed are mine alone |
| http://www.kodak.com                                              |

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