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RE: [Q]rear crankshaft seal/gasket
I did this recently on an 86 GTi. Should be identical on our cars.
The rear main seal is not very difficult, once you have the tranny out of
the car. You have to remove the pressure plate and a cover plate.
The seal is in a carrier of sorts. Once the cover plate is off, You'll
see what I'm talking about, if there are no pics in Bentley. It is
aluminum and has a big hole in the center where the seal goes.
One thing is that the bottom of the carrier matches with the oil pan, and
although you can get it out without removing the oil pan, odds are you
might compromise the oil pan gasket upon install. It's easy to remove
with the tranny out anyway.
The seal is really wedged into the carrier. I guess a big 'ol seal puller
would work well, but anything should do it, just don't screw up the
aluminum carrier.
Putting the new seal into the carrier is slightly more difficult. I
happened to have a piece of 3" diameter PVC connector that fit perfectly
(with some trimming) in the seal, then I used a Vise to press the seal
into the carrier. A wood mallet and a gentle touch (he, he) might also
work OK.
I think Bentley says to coat the seal with fresh oil, and then to use a
sleeve "thingy" on the crank to protect the seal upon install. Then just
torgue the bolts up and yer done.
85 Scirocco
Slink wrote:
>I'm not gettingany real info besides pic in the might ol'
>bentley, so
>can somebody tell me the best procedure to replacing the rear
>seal and gasket. Are there any special tools need like to get to
>front crankshaft seal.
>Any help would be appreciated.
>85 scirocco wolfburg ed.
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