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Re: anyone else going to Historics?

I'll be going there with a couple buds of mine, but we'll
be on bikes instead of cars.

It should be pretty good, but I would be surprised if it was nearly
as good as last years with Porsche as the honored marque.

Alex Ting
Account Mananger
Millennium Solutions Group, Inc.
575 Menlo Dr. #4
Rocklin, CA  95765

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icq #19613213
-----Original Message-----
From: Kris Rayner <veritech@fix.net>
To: scirocco-l@scirocco.org <scirocco-l@scirocco.org>
Date: Sunday, June 20, 1999 9:39 PM
Subject: anyone else going to Historics?

Is anyone else going to be going up to the Monterey Historic 
Races in August?  Audi is the featured mark, so the quattro trans 
am cars will be there.
                   Kris Rayner
                1984 VW Scirocco
    1981 VW Scirocco S - Soon to be a 16V :)-
     "I do nothing in moderation but work."
               -Charles Dickens

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