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Recent work done (& a recent addition to the family)

I put the '81 in ND this week (not enough time recently to do the work
my self :( )

They were gracious enough to not laugh at me, to my face that is, and
replaced one shot front wheel bearing + hub (I knew I was tearing it up-
stupid) and and an inner CV that was attacked by the leaking tranny
fluid. Tranny drive flange seal replaced too.

The other CVs are pitted put I'm gonna swap them out in a bit my self.
The rears are toast as well, I'm still geared to convert to 10" on the
front and rear disks. 

Front end stopped trying to steers by itself, Noise reduce a great deal,
a bunch more power to the ground- WooHoo!

[non Scirocco aside- Air SHow this weekend @ Moffet Field in the lower
Bay Area.]

Oh, I forgot to mention- I have just got a third 'Roc. It's another
white one, this time an '81 like my own Silver beauty. 

Of the three I'm keeping the silver one myself, I'm gonna get my 'former
Honda Prelude driving' friend to outfit one of the white ones and, the
other I may well sell to someone who wants a racer shell. Pure Mk1 Baby!

This weekend I'm tightening the leaky exhaust (shhh, hush, hush) and
scheming on my recent suspension purchases from Virtual World.

Life is good,

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