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RE: 2.0 16V vs 8V pistons
umm, don't think it's just the pistons that are different.
I'm not sure, but here's my logic.
1. Known fact. A 1.8l 16v head will not fit on a 1.8l 8v block.
Apparently there is some mismatch in oil and/or water passages.
2. The 1.8l 16v head bolts right up to the 9A block
3. The 1.8l 8v head bolts right up to the ABA block
logic would indicate that there are differences beyond the pistons
between the 9A and the ABA block.
85 Scirocco
Brian Honnold wrote:
>What is the difference between the ABA 2.0 shortblock and the 9A
>shortblock....just pistons right??
>So what exactly is the difference in the pistons between the 8V
>and the 16V??
>Brian Honnold
>'78 Rocco Ragtop
>'99 Passat GLX
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