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RE: Re: Need your advise here!
You might be OK, you might not. The problem could be your clutch cable.
It could have stretched to the point where it is not moving enough to
disengage the clutch.
Check it. Try to lift up the clutch lever on the tranny, If you can lift
it up more than ~5mm then it needs to be adjusted. You have a 16v right?
I think they usually came with self-adjusting cables. They have a big
ol' rubber thing covering where they join up to the tranny. You can't
adjust these, so if it's worn out, it needs to be replaced. If the
clutch cable has some nuts that you can see where it joins the tranny,
then it is manually adjustable, and you can try to adjust it.
If your clutch cable is not stretched, then I'd say your pressure plate
is jammed. I had a spring break on a clutch plate and one of the little
coils lodged itself behind the pressure plate, preventing the clutch
from disengaging.
You are right, it does not sound like your clutch is worn out, but if you
are going to drop the tranny, then you might as well get everything in
there replaced so you don't have to do it again. Included in the clutch
kit is the clutch plate, pressure plate, thrust plate, retaining ring,
install tool, and i think some tranny seals. everything you need.
feel free to ask any other questions
85 Scirocco
Joel Leclerc wrote:
>To give more info on it, well it looks sometime exactly like if
>clutch does not move out from it's place, I mean sometime I push
>clutch to remove from gear and it's feel like I did not push the
>clutch when I shift to another gear, it's more often when I'm
>in the reverse gear, like the sound when your in reverse don't
>stop even if I did push the clutch but stop when I remove shifter
>from the reverse gear to go in neutral!
>The reverse does that since long time ago, but now it happen
>in other gear, and it's getting bad. Sometime it's like if I did
>push the clutch before I shift a gear in, like in 2nd I have to
>very hard on the shifter so it goes in the gear, and makes that
>terrible noise :(
>But I don't feel the clutch disk is worn out! I'm normally not
>on clutch disk.
>So what could be the problem? I had the price for changing the
>clutch. Clutch kit (250$ US, original from the dealer) and
>250$ for labour. What include a clutch kit?
>Jonas Karlsson wrote:
>> Well, the clutch problems can be caused by things other than a
>worn out clutch disk. The components that part-take in the whole
>mechanism are:
>> Clutch pedal, clutch cable, throwout bearing, clutch pushrod,
>pressure plate, and clutch disk.
>> To replace/check the pressure plate and/or clutch disk the
>entire tranny must be taken out of the car. This is a big job and
>takes about the 5 hours that the shop charges.
>> So it is logical to check all of the components not requiring
>tranny removal before anything else.
>> The main part is the clutch cable, these can get stretched or
>break their mounting places. The trowout bearing and clutch
>pushrod also can get worn out, but less common. You have to
>remove the "end cover" on the tranny to get to them. It is the
>round green plate accessible from the driver's side wheel well.
>> What exactly are your symptoms. Difficulty shifting? Like the
>clutch not disengaging? Please give more info.
>> HTH
>> Jonas
>> 85 Scirocco
>> Joel Leclerc wrote:
>> >Well I thought about changing it myself, but I'm not equiped
>> >to do it, and second if I have done it by a garage, if he is
>> >telling me that this is really the problem and still having
>> >the problem after I can go back and tell him the problem still
>> >there. But he must know what he's telling me, so the chances
>> >are that the clutch is finished.
>> >
>> >Question here! How could I know myself if the clutch is
>> >Any test I could do myself, because I don't feel any slippy
>> >clutch when I shift... Must be hard to tell me how to check
>> >I guess!!!
>> >
>> >Joel
>> >87 16v
>> >
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