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Clutch cable replacement.

    I decided to finaly replace my self-adjusting clutch cable from my
16v with a new one(also self adjusting)  because it no longer adjusted
right. I only have the haynes manual but figured this was something I
could handle myself. Trying to get the old cable off was almost
impossible, I couldnt slip the clip out at all. I gave up and cut the
stupid thing figuring I wouldnt need it anyways.

    Im on to trying to get the new one on, but this also seems
impossible, the cable just wont reach far enough through the hole to
slip the clip through! Has anyone ever had a problem replacing the
cable? How exactly should I be going about doing this?
I assume I have the right cable because the dealer gave it to me.

   Please take me step by step through the procedure so I can get it
back on, i need my car soon and I hate taking the bus!

Thanks for any responses,
            Tyler Chamberlain

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