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Re: 16V engine code
I can't believe I forgot that's where it was.
-----Original Message-----
From: Chris DeLong <green536@hotmail.com>
To: bhonnold@pac-cap.com <bhonnold@pac-cap.com>
Cc: scirocco-l@scirocco.org <scirocco-l@scirocco.org>
Date: Thursday, July 22, 1999 6:41 PM
Subject: Re: 16V engine code
>It's on the side of the block that the oil filter goes on; at the top of
>block in front of cylinder #3. Flat area has #'s and letters. first 2-3
>letters tell you what the engine is. HTH
>>From: "Brian Honnold" <bhonnold@pac-cap.com>
>>To: "Scirocco List" <scirocco-l@privateI.com>
>>Subject: 16V engine code
>>Date: Thu, 22 Jul 1999 17:49:46 -0700
>>I know that the engine code for the 2.0 16V is 9A but where do I find this
>>on the block.
>>I was at a wrecker today who said the 2.0 bubble block they had came from
>>Jetta but we didn't know where to look for the numbers.
>>Brian Honnold
>>'78 Roc
>>"99 Passat
>Chris DeLong
>'80 16V Rag
>'65 Bus (ugly, but good for campin' W/toaster oven)
>'82 GLI
>'80 'Vert
>'80 PU (slammed to the curb)
>'61 17 Window
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