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Re: alignment happiness

On Fri, 16 Jul 1999 14:14:01 -0400 Nigel Heron <scirocco@psycode.com>

>does this make hard braking more difficult since there's less tire
>contact? or doesn't it matter since the weight gets shifted to the 

It's the same as if you were trying to launch the car hard. The only
difference is when your braking, the weight transfer shifts foreword
which changes the camber a little so there might be a little more contact
patch on the ground under hard braking. It wouldn't be much I suspect. 

But, to answer your question, braking doesn't suffer as much as I thought
it would, a little bit, but not much. 

You do have to complete the hardest part of the braking before you turn
in on a corner (Autoxing of course.) or you will easily lock the inside
tire. This forces you to be really smooth and controlled on trail

Ive recently had a passenger in my car who has a extensive racing
background tell me, "Your not going to make the turn" When I started
braking really hard for a left hander into a driveway.  The next words
were, "Holly shit! This thing stops"! So I know that the brakes on my car
are pretty good (I love out braking people on the street.) for what it
is, the excessive negative camber doesn't seem to really hurt

              Shawn Meze
86' Jetta GLi           82' Scirocco GTi
The Fastest, Quickest, Cleanest and
best looking Scirocco in all of San Diego!

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