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SV: Welding exhaust manifolds

It IS possible but not without problems.

You have to go to a welding place that has the right knowledge and tools for welding cast iron and it's like 70% change for succes.

To weld cast iron you have to clean the crack first, second you have to heat the manifold to around 400 degrees Celsius, take it out from the owen and weld for two-three minutes, back in to owen and heat it up, out and continue welding, in to owen etc etc until you are finished when you need to put it in the owen and have to let is cool down slowly during a day.

You will know almost immidetly if it's a succes or if you have to reweld it, probobly no welder will give you any kind of warranty on this kind of work.

My manifold is welded because of big cracks and it seems to hold together, only problem is that one of the mounting ears are welded and it has bent in the weld so I have an exhaust leak. Since I'm building a new motor I don't care about this.

Roland Johansson, Swedish Viking
Scirocco 1,6l RSi -82

> Hey,
> Anybody know if this is possible?  My 16v exhaust manifold
> has cracked and I'm just lookin' at my options.  Anybody
> ever do this?

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