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Re: MkI Grillspoiler on e-bay

---Brian Honnold <bhonnold@pac-cap.com> wrote:
> A few weeks ago some of us were kicking around the idea of a grill spoiler
> for the MkI.......There were several good Ideas about how to make one or
> modify the one for an early GTI or Cabriolet.......
> Well, as usual someone in Germany has come up with something better.....a
> modified Zender Grill that incorporates a spoiler.
> check it out at
> http://cgi.ebay.com/aw-cgi/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=130106921
> Definetely a one of a kind item...
> Brian Honnold

If one of us does get this (which is the way it should be), whomever does
should strongly consider using it as a mold to have a few others made.
Things like this shouldn't be totally unavailable, especially to the
enthusiast crowd like us.  I don't own a MK1 right now, but if I did, I
think I'd want one of these. 

Something to consider anyway.

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