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Scirocco Specific Floor Mats READY!!!

For those of you that didn't know...I started working a deal with a custom
floor mat maker a while back to have Scirocco specific floor mats 
manufactured.   Well, it's happening!!!

The logos are done.  There are three: Scirocco, Scirocco 8v, Scirocco 16v.
I happened to own a set of original Scirocco 16v floormats, so we used
them as an example for the shape of the mats.  Fitment in the Scirocco Mk2's
should be great (unlike _any_ other floor mat).  We have designs for the
Mk1's, and since I don't own one anymore, I couldn't check the fitment.

For those of you that want to check, I can scan the picture and post it if
there's enough interest.  

There is pictures of the logos available at:


Pricing is available also...please forward the definite intent to buy a set
to me also, and I"ll see if i can broker a deal with the owner for a large
purchase with a reduced price.  Rick is really a pretty nice guy.  The
availability will be a couple of weeks yet, but I thought you'd all like
to take a look at the different mat designs and prices.  Oh, and to
reitereate:  I am making nothing at all off this.  Nada.  Just the 
satisfaction of helping fellow Scirocco enthusiats. :)

"Share and Enjoy!"


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