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Re: engine trouble

In message <19990122012136.9403.qmail@hotmail.com>, noodle noggin
<scirocco82@hotmail.com> writes
>I already posted this but did not receive many replies. I have a weird 
>problem that I can't figure out. My car surges at constant speeds and 
>idles realy bad, I also do not have as much power as I did before. This 
>all just happened all of a sudden, I was at a stop sign and everything 
>was running fine, then the idle dropped and I had no power. The car is 
>so sluggish until about 3000 rpms then it picks up a little but still 
>surges. It feels like I am running out of gas. I have checked all the 
>obviouis stuff filled up with quality gas, used a water remover in the 
>fuel. Any one have any Ideas?
>thanks, dave gray
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Have the same problem Dave - but all down on my part to upgrading to
Weber 32/34 dmtl carb (fuel starvation) 2E2carb wants vented fuel flow -
- Weber wants pressurised flow . In my case, fitted 0.75mm orifice in
fuel return line from reservoir and voila? ( getting better ) heel--pp!!
 only cuts out every 40 - 50 mls now. ( is the carb freezing?)
Andy 1.8 gt 1989 ( only 15 years to go and nomore roadtax)
Andy Frew

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