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Re: Brake lines
On Wed, 20 Jan 1999 17:04:19 EST Vedubauman@aol.com wrote:
>Does anyone have a source for rear brakes lines for a '78 Rocco? Bled them
>last night (been sitting for 3 years) and it started drooling all over the
>place. The lines rusted out inside the car. Joy. Universal lines are fine
>but what's the thread size? Hey last least I know why I got the car cheap!
I found some straight sections of brake line that was the right fittings
and all
(the fittings are an "ISO 'bubble' flare, I believe is the technical term)
in Rochester, NY at a place called Nu-Way Auto Parts. I don't know if this
is a
national chain or not.
If you have trouble finding the right stuff anywhere else, let me know and I
can get them for you and send them.
| Jim Jarrett,CCP |
| Eastman Kodak Co. - Professional Digital Cameras |
| 901 Elmgrove Road MC 35504 |
| Rochester, NY 14653-5504 Phone:(716) 726-6365 |
| jarrett@kodak.com All opinions expressed are mine alone |
| http://www.kodak.com |
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