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Re: Cincinnati cruise: WhenWhere?

At 7:15 PM -0500 1/13/99, Jim Buck wrote:
> Jim, if you'd quit screwing around and buy a Scirocco, our garages would
> look strangely similar.  BTW, I have a scirocco.org sticker you can put on
> your Passat for the cruise for legality...

Well, I HAVE a Scirocco -- it's just that it will never ever drive again! :-)
Got the scirocco.org stickers in green? I have them in red to put in my

'81 Rabbit Convertible - Project:JEJUNE 16v conversion
'86 Scirocco MkII - the "donor" (on life support)
'93 Passat GLX    - daily fahrfegnugnener
('91 Ford Explorer XLT - BUY ME!)

| Jim Jarrett,CCP                                                   |
| Eastman Kodak Co. - Professional Digital Cameras                  |
| 901 Elmgrove Road MC 35504                                        |
| Rochester, NY 14653-5504         Phone:(716) 726-6365             |
| jarrett@kodak.com           All opinions expressed are mine alone |
| http://www.kodak.com                                              |

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