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Fun List Schtuff, Please Read
Hello Everybody!
There have been some problems with the list recently brought to my
attention. Apparently these have caused some frustration as well.
>From time to time all the automation gets fouled up by email addresses
that aren't constant. Some systems show mail as coming from
csmende@mail.neubayern.net, even though the email address is listed and
subscribed as csmende@neubayern.net. While there is a way around this
through authorization codes, it continues to get fouled up if your FROM
address changes eratically. (Ex: mail1, mail2, mail5, etc).
Since there are SO many bounced messages to sift through and is easy to
miss items under the majordomo account, I've created an additional alias
that makes me directly reachable. It should be included at the bottom of
this message in a new footer. In case I screwed up, the email address
is: scirocco-l-probs@scirocco.org. Please be gentle. ;)
Also, I've re-enabled the "who" command, to see who is on the list. Just
send "who scirocco-l" in the body of a message to majordomo@scirocco.org.
And as a last note, I don't think it's unfair to say that if your
employer has serious problems with you using outside resources, please
do not subscribe to a mailing list with your work address. You never
know what will happen with a list, whether it just involves huge
amounts of mail or even obscene content. This is the same reason I
will not subscribe to a list with my work email -- in the end it is the
individuals responsibility. Personally, I think it's a unfortunate move
of many corporations.
Happy posting!
-- --
Christopher Mende FederalExpress Work: 719-262-1022
www.neubayern.net Distributed Systems Support Page: 888-786-1344
www.fedex.com Colorado Springs Home: 719-963-0092
To unsubscribe, send "unsubscribe scirocco-l" to majordomo@scirocco.org.
If you experience other problems, email: scirocco-l-probs@scirocco.org