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Re: Scirocco; Miss Spellings???

>From: "Ken and Susan Buck" <phillyscca@mail.enter.net>

>My favorite appeared at the top of the Thunder Car rules for 
>Shippensburg Speedway last year.  My team-mate had been the track 
>champion three years straight, I showed up in 97 and kicked butt with 
>him, finishing second.  The 1998 rules came out, and the first rule 
>read "no sherrockos allowed".  Made me laugh since my team mates name 
>is Bill Sherwood.
>Ken Buck

I got my father the Area Auto Racing News Season Review video for x-mas.
I walked in when he was watching it, and I think Shippensburg was on it. 
There was a 4 cyl class that had a few rabbits and such...  What color 
is your car and what # is it?  Maybe I can get another look at the video 
to see if you're on it!

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