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Re: This ever happen to you? [update]
Haha, you were ALL wrong. It didn't blow up, wasn't a catastrophic
internal failure either.
I drained the oil, there was more brass particles in the oil than I would
of liked but for the most part, normal.
I figured it was terminal for sure so I removed the tranny. I had my nice
9A tranny all prepped and ready to go in, so in it went. I got the bolts
in, connected the linkage ect. Everything was going so fast and smooth
that I thought it was going to be a 2 hr job. As soon as that thought
passed thru my head, while installing the rear tranny mount, I noticed
that the tranny didn't have the 3 studs to slide the bracket onto. So I
looked closer and what do you know, there's not even a single hole
drilled there to install studs! hmph! Oh yeah, A2 trannies wont fit into
A1 cars. I knew this. Just forgot about it.
So out came the 9A.
So now I open up the 5th gear housing on the 4K to find..... nothing.
Everything looked clean and intact. I tried the 5th gear and I could see
that the 5th gear shift fork was simply not moving down enough to engage
the 5th gear. Hmph! Looked closer at the shift fork adjusting sleeve and
the nut that takes the special tool to remove had backed out! Holly
carapp. Howd that happen. it was really loose so I readjusted it and
damaged one of the threads from below so it wont unscrew itself so easily
next time. Reinstalled everything and now it was time to prep the 4K for
Since I fixed my flange tool, I decided to go ahead and swap out the diff
kit as well as replace the leaky seals. I discovered that both of the
brass rings were broken so in went a couple rings I had spare from
previous tranny failures. Put everything back together and installed it
into the car.
Everything is fine now. Everything works only now I have a tiny bit more
traction in the corners.
Im glad that's all it was.
Thanks to all who tried to help.
Shawn Meze
86' Jetta GLi 82' Scirocco GTi
The Fastest, Quickest, Cleanest and
best looking Scirocco in all of San Diego!
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