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RE: return of stick shift 'play'
> >I just finished up the job of replacing the worn out parts of my stick
> >shift: Entire base assembly (include all plastic parts), and bushings &
> >shoulder bolt for 1st joint (between shift lever and selector rod).
> >
> >Shifting is now 80% better, but I still have about .5" 'play'
> right-to-left
> >(used to be at least 1.5") and same amount of 'play' forward-and-backward
> >(like 2" or so)... is this normal, or am I missing something?
> I really suspect that for our cars that are 10-15 years old that this may
> be a fact of life.
if you do not have a short shift and have the normal long lever, then yes,
half an inch all the way around is about normal. but the 2" forward and
back is too much. the best way to check to see what's wrong is to get a
friend to move the lever to and fro in the "play area" and pop the hood to
see what's moving and what isn't. a few trouble areas: the little lever
under the car with the rubber ball on it is held onto the vertical shaft
with a nut. check to make sure that it's tight and there is zero free play
between the rubber ball shaft and the vertical shaft. the other trouble
spot is the vertical shaft it self. there should be no free play in between
the shaft and the two bushings that hold it (this shouldn't be the problem
since you replaced them, right?) there is something you missed if you still
have that much play.
> >Also, is the only way to shorten the shifting distance between gears
> (like
> >from 2nd to 3rd) to cut down the shift lever? and if so, how much should
> I
> >cut off?
> I've also seen the short-shift kits. A few hundred bucks and you get
> shorter, smoother shifts. Come to think of it, it would probably cut down
> on play since everything from the shiftknob down to the transmission gets
> replaced (as I understand it, please correct me if I'm wrong).
short shift kits only replace the vertical shaft and the lever on the
tranny. they are a rip-off, though, because all you have to do is shorten
the existing shaft on the tranny and you have yourself a free short-shift
kit. the weighted shift linkage is nothing more than a heavy weight stuck
onto your shift linkage. i also cut down the shifter, i like it much
better. forward and back movement is now about 3.5" from 1st to 2nd, free
play is about 1/4 inch back and fro, although i have about 1 inch side to
side because of that missing bracket under my car.
86 16V scirocco
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