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Re: Tach Not Working!!!!

I had the tachs in both my '86 Scirocco 8V and my former '88 Jetta GLI die,
both for the same reason. The cause was a discontinuity in the flexible
printed circuit board for the instrusment cluster. 

There are three electrical connections to the tach: 1. constant 12v power, 2.
ground, 3. RPM signal from the coil (I think it's the coil). For both of mine
dead tachs, there was no longer 12v power. I simply soldered in a jumper wire
to bypass the printed circuit board - I went right from the instrument panel
connector to the tach. 

This may not be entirely clear from my description, so poke around with a
meter and the Bentley at your side. Mine has worked fine with this jumper wire
fix for about four years / 35k. 

Alan Cote

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