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Re: Timing belts and band saws...
Neal Tovsen wrote:
> We finally get to the issue: It appears (note that's not a 100% sureness!)
> that my timing belt is rubbing on that thin piece of sheetmetal behind it on
> the long side between the intermediate shaft and the cam pulley (16v, BTW).
> When I first reassembeled the belts after changing the motor mount, it made
> a high-pitch screech noise, almost like a band saw when you cut wood. I
> pulled off all the pulleys and belts again (ugh...) and reassembeled. It was
> then that I realized it seems to be this sheetmetal piece. I played with
> moving it various directions. It only goes about 1mm any direction on it's
> bolts, which are also 2 of the bolts for the motor mount. I also played with
> varying the tension on the belt a little. I got it so that it almost never
> makes noise, but every now-and-then still does it. It's MUCH quieter now.
> You have to have the hood open to hear it. It bothers me that it does it at
> all, 'cause I don't think it ever did before. It made it over 400 beautiful
> and quiet (new motor mounts rock!) miles this weekend, and though I popped
> the hood numerous times, I only heard the noise once. It does seem to be
> that sheetmetal piece, cause pushing on the flange behind the belt while the
> engine's running (not something I would normally do...I used a screwdriver
> handle) will start/stop the noise, but I still am not entirely sure.
> Any 16v-ers have this experience? What did you do?
I had an 8 valve that had a probelm with the metal part and the plastic cover. I
replaced a couple parts, and they eat a new belt in a week. For some reason
these covers get warped or something I've seen this happen on chryslers also.
Just make sure you fix the problem corectly, if you have to shell out some money
at the dealer or with the potterman do it. I'm sure you've heard of few of the
many horror stories about timing belts on 16v's breaking.. HTH
87 Scirocco 16v 2.0 Motronic.
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