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Re: [Funky tech] Lighting: 5th relay?
> Correct me...Connect a jumper wire between the two wires that enter terminal
> 86 of the Driver side low relay and terminal 86 of passenger side low relay.
> Then attach a wire that leads from the toggle to this jumper wire. So when
> I toggle switch to on, the 2 low beam relays will be activated. Causing the
> H4 lows to come on while the H4 highs and H3 are on. So we are tricking the
> car into believing that the toggle switch is an extra low beam activator, my
> original desire. So the 5th relay won't be needed because I'm now using the
> existing 2 low beam relays for their intended purpose. ie, handling H4 low
> beams. I had it such that the 5th relay would handle both of the H4 lows.
> So If i do it this way, is it safe?
> I wonder if this is what Andre was trying to explain to me.
Yes, this is exactly what I was trying to tell you =p As for it
being safe, yes, as long as you use an inline fuse with the toggle
switch, you are safe. My suggestion was that rather than tapping off
the battery, which you can do, tap off the high beam trigger wire, this
way when the car is off, there is no way yoru low beams can be left on,
unlike if were to tap it directly off the battery. In this case you
dont need a fuse, cuz if the wire breaks off anywhere along the circuit,
the fuse in the fuse box will blow. You will however have to
make sure that toggle switch is in the off position when you have your
lows on or else the circuit will turn on the highs at the same time.
OR, Better yet, if your 16v is anything like my Mk1, there is a
single power wire after the headlight switch to the high beam flasher
switch on the stalk. Simply put a jumper wire from there through a
toggle switch and onto the low beam trigger wire. I did this with my
car without the toggle switch, so now the lows are always on. This way
when you turn your headlights off you wont drain your battery. I will
get a scan of the 16v light circuit and post it tonight, say around 11
or 12 PST. That should clarify things more. BTW, if you chose that
route, use an inline fuse. I think this to be the prefered method, cuz
this way you can leave your switch on and not drain the battery and not
have the high beams come on when you have the low beams on. You can
doooo eeeetttt!!!!
Lime Green 79 Scirocco ©
ICQ #266870
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