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Re: Fuel System Problems : Help!
I to am having this same problem.
It started a couple of months ago, at first It seemed as if when i was
going up a hill, it would have this instantaneous sputter and then go on.
Then it developed to a mutliple instantaneous sputters and then normal
operation. latlely, it has started doing more sputtering, in any position,
going up or down hills. It has also started stalling at stop lights. I
was on my way to the Junkyard tomorro to get a fuel pump relay now I think
I look for a new coil while I am at it.
I will let you know if it works.
Tracy Shahan
At 02:24 PM 2/12/99 -0800, you wrote:
>Oh damn, this sounds SOOO FAMILIAR.
>A few years back when I was on Active duty in the Marines I was stationed in
>Hawaii, and found a sweet deal on an 84 GTI. I bought the car for $200.00
>and only thing wrong with it was it would die in right hand turns. Come to
>find out that the car had a busted pickup line in the gas tank. replaced
>it, and it ran fine. Well anyways enough of that tangent.. I'll let you in
>on some of the other things that was wrong with this "beater". I quickly
>learned all about how a VW worked. Lots of things were wrong with this car.
>I had a problem similar to yours.
>First off I thought I had a problem with my fuel pump relay as well.. I
>would accellerate and it would cut off and then start going again. It was
>really weird.
>Well the way a fuel pump relay works in a VW is like this. whenever you get
>a pulse from the coil #1 on the relay you get an "on" situation for your
>fuel pump. You also get this "on" situation when you first turn your key
>on because the coil is charging for the first time.
>Okay, Now this #1 is also hooked to your tachometer. So in a sense you
>could be getting a weird signal sent to your tachometer if your fuel pump
>relay was screwy sometimes.
>If this happens quite regularly you can make a jumper wire for your fuel
>pump relay and just take it out and replace it with this wire.
>you need to jump across #87 and #30 contacts to get your pumps running. Now
>don't leave this wire in because this circuit is always hot and if you leave
>it in you will run your battery out. If you really want to get technical
>you can put a switch in on that wire soyou can turn it off. If your car
>still sputters and dies for a second then it could be what was really wrong
>with my GTI. I thought the same way you do that it was probably the fuel
>pump relay. Often times I keep a spare wire in my glove box because the
>relays going bad in these cars is quite common. Or you could go the
>junkyard and pull one off of any VW and keep it for a spare in your car.
>That should help with other problems.
>Well off of that tangent again. I found that my ignition control module was
>bad in my GTI and when I revved the engine and tried to really get on it,
>the car would die for a sec. I replaced this control module and my
>situation was cured.
>hope all of that babbling helps you out.
>Mark Madison
>85 GTI
>85 Scirocco
>----- Original Message -----
>From: Night Shadow <soltwede@ucsub.colorado.edu>
>To: jason. miller <j.miller@shaw.wave.ca>
>Cc: <scirocco-l@scirocco.org>
>Sent: Friday, February 12, 1999 1:33 PM
>Subject: Re: Fuel System Problems : Help!
>>Ok...from what you said, I'd say that your coil, for some reason or
>>another, is not firing momentarily...2 reasons I say that, one- your fuel
>>pump relay is controlled by the coil, if it turns off, so does the relay.
>>2- your tach jumping....same idea..coil cutting out, tach runs off the
>>On Fri, 12 Feb 1999, jason. miller wrote:
>>> Having some problems with the list! This is the 3rd time I've sent this
>message... Hope it goes through!
>>> Oh great Scirocco guru's,
>>> I have been having some problems with my good old Rocco 16V 2.0L
>lately. I'll try and keep it short and to the point.
>>> While I'm driving my car (this happens all the time, though MOST
>often when under slight acceleration, and I mean VERY slight acceleration,
>when the engine is warmed up). The car will "cut out" for a second and then
>keep on going again. I can also hear a "clicking" noise (just like when you
>turn on your signal light) sometimes in rapid succession coming from around
>the fusebox area. I also looked at my gauges today, and when this happens,
>my tach will usually jump up about 100 - 200 RPM's if you look closely.
>>> I know what your all saying right now... "Damnit, its the Fuel Pump
>Relay!". Well, I'm pretty sure that's what's the problem. This keeps on
>happening more and more often, and it's really getting annoying. I was
>wondering if this problem could go deeper? Could there be a problem with my
>Fuel pump or ignition system?
>>> Also, what the heck does a Relay do? What is making it "trip"? Is
>it sort of like a re-usable fuse? If so, then why do I keep on getting
>"surges" or whatever?
>>> Help, help, help!
>>> --> Jason "Honda Killer" Miller (The Ignitionless Wonder)
>>> 1987 16V 2.0L Scirocco
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