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Re: new guy here
>hey guys i am new here i have had two A1 8v both of which i have hit
>something with. the first 82 conv hit a deer and is sitting in my
>driveway and the second hit a duck, a bird, and a cememt wall and now
>rests at my friends garage. i am purchasing a 89 16v scirocco bdoy and
>i am putting to gether a 2.0L 16vwith a 1.8 head. anyone have any
>suggestion on what to do in the close future for upgrades. Thinking
>about cams first. any input would be good , thanks
>jonas miller
I'm just about ready to make my quarterly report on my 2L 16v rebuild
if you wanna wait a bit. :)
And welcome to the list! And since you're the 1000th subscriber, you
win an 8mm triple square, a 30mm socket, and a glass case to keep
them in labeled: 'Break glass in case of emergency.'. :-)
Does anyone remember the billet aluminum mower deck knob I gave away
last year? Now _that_ was quite a gift...
\/ '84 Scirocco (ITB racer 2B) | "Hot VW's, take two home. They're small"
\/\/ '88 Scirocco 16v (Show), '85 Scirocco (Winter) | - brett@netacc.net
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