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Fwd: Re: Another Blower motor Bites it have to get a nr
>You know, I've been thinking about this and wondering...
>If you decided that you could live without your AC, could you take the
>AC condensor out, replace it with a heater core and just run hoses to
>the second core? It seems that the high fan speed on my car doesn't
>work nearly as well for heating, and I was thinking that it was because
>the air didn't have time enough to warm up. How about if we make the
>air run through two heating elements, albeit not quite as hot as just
>the one?
Seems like a roundabout solution to me.
If your heating and cooling system were fuctioning properly, you would
have plenty of heat. Have you thoroughly gone through the diagnostics?
The first place I would check is the heater valve - is it opening all
the way when you have the heater control on high?
Mark Peele
1981 Scirocco S
1982 Scirocco
1987 Golf GT
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