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Fwd: Re: Splash guards
>Ah Just toss them , they are there to protect the charcoal can and some
>little things behind your fender . I've been running with out them for
>with a lot of high speed driving on dirt and gravel roads and driveways
and a
>couple of cross country trips with no problems .
>SO if you want save a few pounds and chuck'em
>88 16v Tornado Red
Make sure you watch the undercoating on the back of the fenderwell -
gravel chipped away at this on all of my MK1 Sciroccos. Also, debris
will accumulate in weird places - providing a good place for rust to
If you're a clean-a-holic with your Scirocco - don't worry about it. But
keep it clean.
Mark Peele
1978 Scirocco
1981 Scirocco S
1982 Scirocco
1987 Golf GT
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