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Re: Need Help - Long Responce
Slink wrote:
> I was driving my rocco yesterday when I noticed, that my car was a
> little sluggish. I made a stop at a gas station to get some gas. I
> turned off the engine, after refueling the car wouldn't start. It
> seemed that I needed a jump start.
Does this mean that the car wouldn't turn over? Or that it would turn
but wouldn't catch?
> So I looked under the hood and
> checked my battery connects. After doing that I tried the car again it
> started and was able to get me home.
When you say 'checked', did you remove and reattach them, did you wiggle
them, or just give them the eyeball lookover?
> Now today when I start the car the
> engine rotates but won't start. Can somebody help me.
You _know_ we want to help. One more Scirocco on the road makes me
> I just brought the car.
It might help to state what year and /or motor it has; 8v or 16v. Sounds
like a later model if it's gaot a transfer pump. (I hate guessing.)
> The only thing I've done to it so far was to change the plugs
> to bosch platinum, fuel filter, oil change and filter, air filter, and
> fuel pump (I'm about to have the vw dealer near look at the transfer
> pump for recall reasons)
Plugs, Oil & Filter, Air Filter. Always a good idea to swap for new ones
when getting a 'new' car.
(Small note, some folks on the Watercooled newsgroup don't think much of
the platinums, I have tried them long ago but not recently. Might pull
them for piece of mind to see if there is any noticable failure of the
anode and it's tower.)
Main Fuel Pump- Why was this changed? Was it ness. to get the car
running in the 1st place? It is possible that even though the pump is
new, or at least a good used one, it may not be putting out for a couple
of reasons- transfer pump failing, clog in the line/filter (replaced the
fuel filter- did you notice any nasty bits come out of the old one?),
poor electrical flow to the pump is a common reason as well. Are you
getting a good amount of voltage back to the pump? Are the contacts
clean and renewed?
One of the things I'd like to ask is about the 'ol electrical contact
thing. Old timers ( who I have learned a lot from ) will have heard it
before, ie; Renew the electrical contacts to and from the Alt, Battery,
Engine, and Chassis. In the interest of redundancy I'm sending an old
copy to slink directly, anybody else want one contact me direcly.
The reason I bring it up ( in a nutshell) is that older cars that have
this "I shut it off and it wouldn't restart" or I keep testing my
battery/Alt. and there good but my battery won't hold a charge" type
things ussally are suffering from poor electrical connections and lack
of voltage.
Any new details of feedback?
the wordy mode full on.
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