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Engine oil/coolant question
Today I noticed my oil pressure at idle had jumped a bar, it now sits at
3bars as opposed to it being at 2 usually. I had just added a little more
oil because when I did the oil change 2 weeks ago I only put in 4quarts
which still registered above min on the dipstick. I'm pretty sure before my
oil change 2 bars was the normal. I also noticed a milky white substance on
the oil cap, wiped it off and checked it again when I got to work (1/2 hour
later) and there was none. Is the milky white stuff indicative of a leak,
with coolant getting in? What can I do? I would have thought if there was a
leak then my oil pressure would drop?
BTW after replacing my vacuum lines it seems as though my mpg is better, it
used to be about 21mpg, now after one week of driving with new lines its at
23mpg, so I still have some work to do.
ICQ# 1941132
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