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Re: Cincinnati Cruise <No, read this one!>

Hey Gang,
	This is in response to what Greg Davis wrote; and if you're interested in
going to one of the "Cruise-ins", please read this entire email.

	The reason why I said "Cruise-Ins", plural, is because, as it looks now,
there will be 2 such events in Cincinnati this year.  Why, you say? Well,
Mr. Greg Davis sort of answered that question on his own in his post this
morning.  He said:

>The Cruise-in date, location, details, etc. are NOT open to dicussion, so
>save the bandwidth.

	I don't know just who the fuck Greg thinks he is, but I have a very
different opinion of what a "Cruise-In" should be.  The last time *I*
checked, *we* (as in, *us*, the people on the list) had discussed some
potential dates to have a "gathering" in the Cincinnati area sometime in
May.  It was discovered at that point that there were more than a few
people who would really like to come, but would only be able to do it at
the beginning of the month.  So, on the list, I asked who was willing to
make the week of Mother's Day the official date.  The response was an
overwhelming yes-- I have a list of about 30 people from the list who were
willing to come to Cincinnati for the (quote) "Cruise-In" on May 9th.

	Now, it seems that the weekend of the 9th is *not* going to work for Greg,
so he's trynig for another weekend in May.  Now, as the "organizer" of the
Cruise-In, Greg can set whatever date he wants... However, I, for one,
don't like his attitude and blatant disregard for what we (as the people
who will be coming) want... He doesn't care about what dates we want, and
he doesn't care who comes... As he's said in the past, he thinks of the
Cruise-In as an event for the Cincinnati locals, and doesn't give two shits
about who comes from the list anyways.

	So, here's the deal.  Let's let Greg have his "official Cincinnati Cruise
In'.  However, as agreed upon last month, we will be meeting at Daun's
house the weekend of the 9th of May. (festivities to begin Saturday the
8th.)  This will be a Watercooled event-- so bring your Sciroccos, your
friends with their Sciroccos, and everyones Golfs, Jettas, Wabbits,
Pickups, Cabbies, and all that fun stuff.  Hey, and unlike Greg's show, if
you show up with an Audi or <gasp> a Honda, we won't hate you.  Sure,
you'll have to park on the sidelines... but unlike the "Cruise-In", this
gathering is more about meeting the people who we know on the list, and who
drive similar cars.  The focus of the meeting is Watercooled Volkswagens-
that's understood... and if you're down with that, please show up.

	As far as the "official" Cruise-In is concerned, I will not be there... as
I suspect many of you will not.  I am not up for 2 car shows in one month,
and I don't suspect many of you will.  And why bother going back for a show
that's run by an exclusionary dictator like Greg who cares solely about
*his* show?? This is about *us* and *us* having a good time.

	We, the "organizers" (hahaha) if this weekend, have a few ideas about what
to do for the weekend-- and we're working on maybe getting a location for a
"show" on Sunday.  However, if those plans fall through, we'll just hang
out on Sunday.. because, as all of you who have gone to the big shows like
Waterfest know, the show is always the boring part.  It's the weekend
before it that's all the fun.

	Now, with regard to accomodation.  There will, of course, be no "trashing"
of Daun's house.  We're also hoping for no tickets, arrests, or accidents,
for the record. :)  There will be quite a few people staying at Daun's for
the weekend-- but obviously there's a limit.  And there's also a motel 3
miles down the road that is perfectly situated *right* off the Interstate.
And to make things even more appealing, it's *so* easy to get to Daun's,
you don't stand a chance of getting lost. :)

	More information on the accomodations to follow.

	Now, for your homework.  I have the original list of people who were
interested in going.  As we all know, plans change...
	So, I have a favor to ask.... and this is for no other reason than to help
us (and especially poor Daun, who is bearing the brunt of the
responsibility here) keep track of the size and scope of the weekend.
Anyone who is interested in going, (even those of you who have told me for
sure you're going) please fill out this little survey/questionnaire and
mail it back to me privately.  I will keep all of these responses, and as
May approaches, will mail out lists of who's coming, etc.  Thanks!

And, before I finish, let me wish Greg the best of luck with his Cruise-In
this year.  I am disappointed in his dismissal of the opinions and needs of
the people who want to attend his gathering.  He will be missing out on the
visitors already confirmed for the weekend of the 9th from as far away as
British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan, Ontario, Quebec, and all over the
mid-west and eastern seaboard of the US.  


--------PLEASE CUT HERE-----------------8=----------------------
Where do you live:
When do you plan on arriving:
When do you plan on departing:
How many people in your party:
How many hotel rooms might you need:
Year and Model of car you'll be bringing:
Short description, including color:

Who will you be caravanning with?

Would you like us to put you in contact with others in your area to travel
together with?

Please email this form to jason@scirocco.org
---------------Please cut here-------------------8=----------------

At 10:31 AM 2/4/99 , Gregory Davis, not giving a shit about anyone but
himself, wrote:
>Before this thread gets out of hand, the date and location should be
>announced within the next week.  The final papers and check need to be
>signed to reserve the location.  Once that is set, I will check local
>hotels for rates.  There are several close to the cruise location, along
>with plenty of places to eat and two malls within 15 minutes.
>The emphasis for the cruise-in IS Sciroccos, and I plan to keep it that
>way.  There will be others Watercooleds there, but this is not a general
>invitation for all watercooleds.
>The Cruise-in date, location, details, etc. are NOT open to dicussion, so
>save the bandwidth.
>Thankyou for your time.
>Greg Davis
>Scirocco Cruise-in Organizer
>On 4 Feb 1999, Shannon Fenton wrote:
>> I was wondering if I could get the lists input on maybe inviting
someother club
>> to join the cruise and make it meet. Or should we just keep it a scirocco
>> thing. I know some pretty cool guys in the CCA and ClubH2O and CVO who I
think would
>> be happy to get together with us.
>> Secondly is anyone arranging lodging...or do we plan to trash Dauns
house just
>> for the fun of it? Let me know guys...I really want to make this a
helluva good
>> time.

1987 Scirocco 16v
57,000 original miles.

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