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Club H2O Question

	 OK I never like this club, but after talking to list members I decided I
would give it a try . This is what I got out of it. a Sticker for the
interior, which was pointless cause its silver and my windows or tinted and
that wasin my upgrade list I sent them. I also got "A" Newsletter. Oh my bank
out got a tiny bit thinner. Now let me ask everyone who belongs to H2o
something. Do I ever hear from these people or will I get a renewal when my
meber ship is almost up and maybe get another 6 page newsleter when I renew
its been like 6 or 7 months since I got anything from them and that was my
welcome leter and package. Is this the way this club works?
I hope not I hope I might have fallen through the cracks or something but if
it is How can anyone defend this. I hope someone tells me I'm wrong cause for
that 20 bucks I could have gone and gotten a couple of European VW Magz and
called it a day .

Sorry I had to rant when I realized that I never heard from these guys ever
again . .
88 16v Tornado Red

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