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RE: sport tuning book

I got that book as a gift in December.  It's pretty good.  Focuses mostly 
on the earlier A1s.  From a Scirocco standpoint, most of the info could be 
applied to 8Vs (MkI and MkII), but it wasn't specific to Sciroccos and 
there wasn't much mention about 16Vs.  The book does have some tech 
procedures with pictures which can be helpful (i.e. putting on an upper 
strut tie bar, hanging a cat back exhaust, etc.).  If you're just getting 
started on an upgrade project and don't have a world of experience, it 
could be helpful.  BTW, I saw the same book at www.germanautoparts.com for 

The U-boat Commander

-----Original Message-----
From:	SciroccoNE@aol.com [SMTP:SciroccoNE@aol.com]
Sent:	Wednesday, February 03, 1999 7:25 AM
To:	scirocco-l@scirocco.org
Subject:	sport tuning book

Hey I found a really good book called "Sport Tuning Your Volkswagen for
Compition and Sport".  It is put out by Robert Bentlys Publishers.  The 
is very informative and a wealth of information...  I picked up the book at
Boarders Books for the low low price of $24.95, a fair price to pay for the
info in side.........


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