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Re: t-body ideas
>>as soon as i hook up with another one, i'm going to have my neighbor
>take it to work and fill in the top and bottom section between the
>venturis with aluminum, this way i'll be able to completely machine
>out the entire inside oval, with just a small 2mm high beveled
>divider between and behind the two butterflys. about as close as you
>can come to the single bore throttle body ala VR6 and umm i know
>someone made one for the rocco(weber). anways it wont cost me
>anything but time and i'm sure flow will be seriously improved
>without all that metal divider. (lower coefficient of drag)
FWIW, the weber TB (according to dyno and seat of the pants tests) is a
waste of money. The A2 (AKA Audi 5K) TB has greater flow area. Then
theres the all or nothing nature of the weber TB.
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