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Re: cams shrick 260 vs autotech
At 8:51 am -0500 1/2/99, Anthony Pelletier wrote:
>Hi all
>I am just writing to share / find out specs on some cams. I am still
>waiting to make that big decision....
It's really tough to compare cam sets on paper. Aside from the duration
numbers, which aren't comparable since they're measured differently, you
can't quantify the shape of the lobes...and that has as much to do with the
power and driveability of a cam set as lift + duration specs. I think what
it's going to come down to is the price - Dale dynoed his Schricks at 15hp
while Autotech claims something similar from theirs. So maybe you give up
2 or 3hp by going with the Autotech cams (let's just say I'm skeptical
about their claims), but you'll have another $200 in your bank account.
One more thing - Autotech says their cams are ground from their "own"
billets. They say they're chill-hardened, but I dunno what kind of quality
they are. One thing you can count on is that Schrick cams will never
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